Well, this little journey called blogging that I tried to endure came to a screeching halt. I can wholeheartedly say that blogging just isn't for me. The process, however, has made me more aware of all the technologies that are available in the world today. I found myself wishing I gave Twitter a try, or even Tumblr...instead, I opted to stare at an empty white text box two times a week with nothing useful to say (or so it seemed). Perhaps I can give Twitter a try in the future (aka tomorrow, or next week...probably never) and hope I keep up with that. Maybe I'm just not interesting enough to keep a blog. Nothing spectacular happens during my day that I just want to run home and start typing on blogger.com. It almost seemed like a chore to do, and now to be cheesy, I am going to quote (from memory) the movie Julie and Julia. Julie is keeping a blog, as she explains to her mother on the phone, because it is like a regiment, "like doing sit-ups." She differs from me because she blogged EVERYDAY! Wow...such dedication. My regiment is catching up on all my shows online that I missed from the previous week. I'm real good at that!
I find myself starting a lot of extracurricular projects or activities and never finishing them. Coming into this blogging experience, I was soooo ready to get started, but then a few weeks later, I started to fizzle out and yea, look where it got me...hating blogs!
Blog...sounds like "blah"!!
Don't get me wrong, though, I love reading other people's lives (or BLOGS). It interests me, a lot! Almost too much, creepily too much. Just kidding.
In all seriousness though, I don't see blogs ever becoming as popular as they once were. It takes too much time, time that most people do not have in their busy, stressful days. Ironically, however, those busy and stressed people find the time to do everything else social in their lives. But maybe, it's just that! Social. Being around people. I feel like I'm trapped on the Internet even just typing this now. I want to be surrounded by human beings, not being stared down by a bright computer screen. I feel that if people were bogged down by blogs (you like that? bogged-blogs), there would be more artificial friendships and what people perceive as friendships. I don't like my computer usage, and I know it will hurt me in the future if I continue to sit around most of the day and waste my time on the Internet. As much as the Internet benefits me, it will never EVER replace the human contact and interaction I enjoy when I'm around my family, my friends and the people I care for.
Blue skies,
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